Friday, February 27, 2009

We are off to the amazing beaches of el Archipelago de Bocas del torro (on the caribean side)on monday for a week. Back soon for more pics.

On part Lundi pour 1 semaines, sur les plages paradisiaques d'el Archipelago de Bocas del torro dans la mer des caraibes. On postera plus de photos a notre retour.

May enjoying her first swim in a pool with friends

La premiere plongee dans une piscine pour May. Elle a adore!!

May and her new best friend Sofia. Back in Panama city

May et sa copine Sofia. De retour a Panama city.

Panama city - looks a bit like Dubai...though smaller and with nicer people (sorry had to give a little dig to my favourite city :)

Panama city ressemble un peu a Doubai.

Panama Bridge

People trying to go home after Carnaval

(les gens qui rentrent du Carnaval)

Thanks to the crazy weather in Boquetes, we got to witness the most amazing rainbow we have ever see.

Grace au temps de dingo a Boquetes , on a pu voir cet arc-en-ciel impressionant. On est reste scotche.

Funny things of Panama. On our way to get some food in Boquetes, we came across this sign that advertises 'husbands for rent'!!! And when we got to the street of the restaurant, the bridge we had to cross had collapsed. We had to change our eating plans....

Seulement au Panama. Un panneau sur l autoroute 'maris a louer', et le pont que l on devait traverse en voiture pour aller au resto a Boquetes, s'etait ecroule, on
a donc pas pu aller au resto prevu.

little Maymay

After a good night sleep, it was back to more trekking. Here is little May on Cristof 4x4.

Apres une bonne nuit de repos, c'etait repartit pour une petite rando. May sur le capot de la 4x4 de Cristof.

On our way back to the hostel, we came across the funniest airport we have ever seen. Here I am in the middle.

Voila l aeroport le plus marrant qu on est jamais vu. On s'est retrouve en plein milieu de la piste d atterissage (moi sur la photo).

Here is May taking a well deserved break while enjoying the view. She loves trekking, well sitting in the backpack that her Daddy has to carry!!

Voila May pendant une petite pause repos, en train d'admirer le beay paysage. Elle adore la rando, enfin etre assise dans le sac a dos que son pauvre Daddy doit porter!!

Starting the trek near Volcano.

The guys with the girls May and Sofia.

Le debut de la rando pres du village Volcano. Les mecs avec les filles May et Sofia.

After a 24 hour journey from London, through Madrid and Guatemala, we finally arrived in Panama city where Christof was waiting for us. May was great on the plane, but she must have though the journey would never end! 1 day to recover from jet lag, and we were off to the Chiriqui province near the Costa Rican border (9 hour car journey) to do some trekking in the forest. Unfortunately for us we forgot our passport and got stopped by migration officers, and kept waiting for 2 hours while they checked our story. Here is the picture of Christof, Dany and May starting the waiting game. And a picture of a truck we saw on the way. Bad luck!!

Apres un long voyage de plus de 24 heures, via Madrid et Guatemala city, nous sommes enfin arrive a destination, Panama city ou notre pote christof nous attendait. Apres 1 journee de remise a l heure (le decalage horaire nous a bien allume cette fois ci), c’etait depart pour La province de Chiriqui, a cote du Costa Rica, a 9 heures de route pour faire de la rando dans la montagne. Pas de pot pour nous, on s’est fait controller par les flics, et on n’avait pas nos passports. 2 heures d attentes, et de questions plus tard, ils nous ont laisse partir!! Voila une petite photos des mecs au bord de la route, ils avaient encore le sourire aux levres. Et aussi une photo d’un pauvre camion qui s’est retrouve dans la mouise!

So much has happened since the last update. Given how much we hated Dubai, and the behaviour of some of the people, we moved back to London. Our little angel was also born (her name is May), and she is now 13 months old. Its amazing how quickly life can change, and we are loving every minute in London, and the frequent trips to the centre of the universe.....Liverpool. Little May seems to have caught the travelling bug too, and has really enjoyed joining us in our travelling adventures… Cuba, France, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and now Panama. She is loving filling her little passport pages, and has already racked up 46 flights..... not bad for 13 months old! So we decided to start this blog again, we are now in Panama for a month, we will post pictures of the other trips later.

Une annee bien chargee depuis notre derniere mise a jour. Pour commencer on a eu une superbe petite fille appellee May (13 mois), et on est revenue s’installer a Londres après Dubai. On a decide de pas trop frainer nos pulsions voyageuses, et de plutot faire decouvrir le monde a notre petit pigeon voyageur. Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Portugal, Afrique du Sud et maintenant Panama. Elle s amuse bien a remplir les pages de son passport.
On a donc decide de se remettre a ‘blogger’ et de poster les photos des autres voyages plus tard.