Sunday, March 15, 2009

And here we are, just the 2 of us. Because the blog is named after us after all!! It shouldn't just be about Maymay :))

Et nous voila que nous 2, le blog est nomme apres nous apres tout, ce n est pas que pour May. :))

May was like a movie star in the resort. Everyone wanted to hold her and play with her. Her she is ready to go for dinner, and walking near the restaurant.
May a bien fait sa star a l hotel Tout le monde la connaissait et voulait jouer avec elle. La voila qui se degourdit les jambes, et prete pour aller dinner.

Jour important hier pour liverpool. Apres avoir gagne contre Real Madrid de 4 buts a zero, ils ont humilies Manchester united, a Manchester 4-1!! Voila la preuve en photo.

Amazing day yesterday for Liverpool. After winning 4 nil against real Madrid, they humiliated Man U in manchester by winning 4-1. Here is a pic to prove it!!

Here is May in the famous pool. A real little fish. She is already trying to bodysurf!!

Voila May dans la fameuse piscine, un vrai petit poisson. Elle essaie deja le bodysurf!!

Apres 5 jours de repos total, il etait temps de rentrer vers panama city, mais juste

pour une nuit. Apres c'est week end a la plage avec Christof, dans l hotel qui a la 2eme plus grande piscine au monde. Retour en bateau donc, le pire de notre vie, vaques enormes, vitesse de dingue, bref on etait content d arriver a panama city vivant!!

After 5 days of pure relaxation it was time to get back to panama city, but for 1 night only. as were then off to the beach again with christof, in the hotel with the second biggest pool in the world. the boat ride back was the worse we have ever had. Enormous waves and crazy speed, we were glad to get to shore!!

When we got tired of the beach, we went to the pool instead. May loves water, and chilling with her daddy.
Apres la plage c etait piscine, programme charge!! :)
May adore l eau et se reposer tranquille avec son daddy.

The hotel's owner let May use their kid's push bike. She was

so happy.

Les proprios de l hotel nous on prete le velo de leur gosse pour May. Elle etait super contente!!

The island was really tiny so no taxis. The only way around the island was a golfcart. A lot of fun.

L ile etait tres petite donc pas de taxi ou de moyen de locomotion apart la voiture de golf. On s est bien marre, surtout May.

May loves the beach and more importantly water which I am very happy about!! She spent the week playing in the sand with us.

Finally we found what we were looking for. Just beautiful, picture perfect. 5 days of absolutely nothing to do exept relax and swim.
Enfin, on a trouve ce que l on cherchait. Superbe!! Au programme farniente pendant 5 jours!!

The day after the birthday we left very early to catch our 7 am boat to the Contadora Island, hoping to find the beautifull beaches and weather we were longing for. May slept all the way through the 1 hour ride. Here is a view of panama from the boat.

le lendemain de l anniversaire, on s est leve tres top pour prendre notre bateau de 7 heure du mat, direction Isla Contadora, en esperant y trouver des plages magnifiques et le soleil.

We were kindly invited along with Christof's collegue 1 year old birthday party. May loved it, it was a really big big party with inflatable castle, pinata, clown...

On a gentillement ete invite a la fete d anniversaire des 1 ans de la fille d un collegue de christof. Une grosse fete avec clowns, chateau gonflable, pinata... May a adore!!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

On part demain ou après demain a la recherche d’iles ensolleillees. Direction islas de leas perlas dans le pacifique. Plages paradisiaques, tentative numero 2!

We are off tomorrow in search of sunny islands. Pearl islands here we come!!

On a fait les touristes dans l aprem, et on est alle voir le canal de Panama (grand raccourci qui evite aux bateaux de contourner l amerique latine)

It was then time for some proper touristic activities. The panama canal.

Enfin de retour a Panama city et au soleil!! On se baladait dans un centre commercial quand May a vue le petit cheval rouge electrique. Voila ca tete, joie absolue.

We were in a shopping centre when May spotted a kiddy moving horse (don’t know the word). Pure joy!!

Retour a Panama city dans un avion pourrit et tout petit, en plein orage. J ai cru que j allais vomir!! C’etait horrible. May a dormit tout le long biensur.
La voila devant l aeroport, notre avion sous la pluie et l interieur de l avion.

Back to panama in a tiny airplane and in a storm. I thought I was going to be sick!! Horrible. May slept all the way!! Here she is in front of the airport, and our plane.

May ressemble a une tortue dans cette photo. Et avec son papa, elle deguste le sable.

May looks like a tortoise on this pic. Eating sand with her daddy.

May a adore la plage, ca a ete dur de repartir!!

May really enjoyed the beach and did not want to leave!!

Meme si le temps etait pourri on etait determine a se baigner dans les jolies plages des caraibes, et puis il faisait super chaud. Donc après un bateau et 30 minutes de marche dans la boue on a enfin atterit sur la plage des grenouilles rouge (on a eu la chance d’en voir une en vrai). On les imaginait plus grande!!

Although the weather was not on our side we were determined to go to the beach, and it was still boiling hot!! So after another boat ride, and a 30 minute trek through mud, we arrived in the infamous red frog beach, where we were lucky enough to be able to see one of the very tiny frogs.

Le village de Bocas, avec notre nouvel hotel sans caffards, sur la droite avec les balcons jaunes.
Et la vue du petit dej. Pour aller n importe ou il fallait prendre un taxi-bateau, assez chaud avec un bebe en sac a dos et dans les orages , mais bien marrant quand meme. May et moi sur un des ‘taxi’.

Here is the village of Bocas, and our new hotel minus cockroaches, on the right with yellow balconies. And the view from the breakfast table.
To go anywhere in bocas we had to take a water taxi (speed boat), not easy and a bit scary with a baby in a backpack, in the middle of a storm!! But still a lot of fun (here is a picture of me and May enjoying the ride).

Friday, March 06, 2009

We arrived in beautiful Bocas to find rain and storm. Here is a picture of the view from the first hotel room we stayed in and one of the many pelicans. Looks great, but we had to move hotel the next day after a long sleepless night surrounded by cockroches. Also we didn't like the fact we had to put May on and off boats

On est donc arrive a Bocas pour y trouver la pluie, les boules!! Voila une photo de la vue de notre chambre d hotel. Tres beau non? Et bien le lendemain matin on a du changer d hotel, apres une tres longue nuit blanche entouree de plein plein de cafards!!! Si, si...