Meme si le temps etait pourri on etait determine a se baigner dans les jolies plages des caraibes, et puis il faisait super chaud. Donc après un bateau et 30 minutes de marche dans la boue on a enfin atterit sur la plage des grenouilles rouge (on a eu la chance d’en voir une en vrai). On les imaginait plus grande!!
Although the weather was not on our side we were determined to go to the beach, and it was still boiling hot!! So after another boat ride, and a 30 minute trek through mud, we arrived in the infamous red frog beach, where we were lucky enough to be able to see one of the very tiny frogs.
Although the weather was not on our side we were determined to go to the beach, and it was still boiling hot!! So after another boat ride, and a 30 minute trek through mud, we arrived in the infamous red frog beach, where we were lucky enough to be able to see one of the very tiny frogs.
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