Saturday, March 24, 2007

And yesterday night, we went to see Shakira in concert along with 25000 people at the Dubai autodrome. It was very badly organised, we were stuck in traffic for hours, the queues were enormous... they had to delay the concert as so many were stranded. But in the end, it was worth it. She was simply amazing, the atmosphere was terrific and it turned out to be a great show... very impressed...
Hier soir on est alle voir Shakira en concert avec 25000 autre personnes, a l'autodrome de Dubai. C'etait tres mal organise, des milliers de personnes coinces dans les emboutellages (nous y compris), les queues etaient interminables. Bref ils ont fini par retarder le concert d une heures... Mais ca vallait le coup. Elle etait impressionante. Des dizaines de millier de gens en train de chanter et danser, elle a vraiment un voix magnifique. Inoubliable!

So this weekend we decided to do somethimg different than what we usually do (mainly beach), so we decided to play golf. And we were embarassingly bad. Well mainly me (Bea). People were scared of us, but we had a really good time and we are now thinking of taking a few lessons.
Ce week end on a decide d'aller jouer au golf, pour dire de faire autre chose que bronzette a la plage. C'etait bien sympa bien qu'on soit completement nuls!! les gens avaient peur de jouer a cote de nous... et c'etait tres posh... On a decide de prendre quelques cours, surtout Dany...

The weather is finally back to normal now. Sun is out and humidity out of control. scary scary but still bearable. So here is Dany in the cafe at the bottom of our bulding, and the view from our balcony.

Le temps et redevenu normal, beau soleil et humidite comperise. Donc on a pu enfin retourner a nos activites normales: seance lecture et bronzette a la terrace du cafe en bas de notre immeuble. Et jolie vue de notre balcon.

Our first sand storm in Dubai: just to remind us that we live very close to the desert. It was strange and a little bit scary too... And it is getting very very hot already... Summer is going to be a great experience... :)
Voila une belle tempete de sable pour nous rappeler qu'on vit dans le desert. Ca faisait un peu peur, et c'etait tres bizarre. Mais il faisait quand meme tres tres chaud et humide. Vivement l'ete ... lol

Hi, it's Bea again as Dany is very busy so I'll take over. Here are some news from Dubai. Dany is still in Saudi, working very hard and long hours but enjoying the job and project. I still don't have my visa (amazing after 3 months!!), but it should come through next week... So I am starting arabic class, and yoga and enjoying the weather (before it gets frying hot).Here are pictures of us in the cinema (gold class), what better way to relax than watching a movie on big leather chairs, with waiter service...
Nouvelles de Doubai. Dany est toujours en Arabie Saoudite, et travaille comme un fou... Mais il apprend plein de choses et adore son boulot, c le principal. Quand a moi , je n ai toujours pas mon visa (apres 3 mois c'est dingue), donc je commence mes cours d'arabes, de yoga et je profite du soleil avant que la temperature monte et devienne insupportable. Voila 2 photos de Dany et moi au cinoche en classe gold. Relaxation total sur les gros fauteuils en cuir, et serveur perso...