One of the biggest scams here is the taxi drivers tell you they will take you to the place you ask. The signs are in chinese or fake hotels with the same name. We arrived very late, and got taken to a hotel which was supposedly the same one we asked to be taken to! It was not, but we only realised that it was fake later! We ended up having to pay as we were stranded, but thats life. When we got to Yangshou the following morning, they tried the same scam, but this time we had learnt. We ended up walking 2 km and then found the real one!! Here are the photos after our arrival in Yangshou
On est arrive a Guilin tres tard, on avait choisit un hotel, on a pris un taxi, et vu qu on est pas arrive a expliquer au conducteur ou on voulait aller, on a dormi ou il nous a laisse: un hotel pourri!!! Au moins c etait pas cher!! Du coup on est parti le lendemain, on a repris un bus dirrection Yangshuo.
photo 1: tous les 2 devant le nom de la ville.
photo 2: moi dans la rue
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