We got a taxi to Xingping, and then a bus to Nanning, then another to Guilin. Wow!! We had got used to crappy buses, but this was really a different world!! These buses made european buses look like rick shaws!! They even made the Argentinian buses look bad!! They had three types, one for 2 hour journeys, the one in the photo is for 5 hour and the sleepers are even better! There was also a dedicated hostess. After the way we have been travelling recently, this really was a welcome suprise.
Apres avoir pris un taxi comme on a pu (personne parlait anglais) on est alle prendre le bus pour Guilin. Le chauffeur nous parlait en chinois et nous on essayait de lui expliquer avec des gestes et notre dico chinois. On a bien rigole!!!
Le bus etait incroyable, comme la premiere classe d un avion, avec hotesse et tout. On avait pas encore vu un etranger... les gamins nous regardait tout etonne...
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