The Border
We set off at 8am, and the driver spent at least 2 hours picking up boxes for his friends and family and arguing with his wife on the phone!! We got to the border a couple of hours later, and it what a mess! Up to now all services have been extremely efficient, more than some european countries!! However here we fought to get our passports in, and there were around 150 people fighting for attention. They then took the passports away for a while. We walked by foot across to the Chineese border, and then made our way to Xingping, then another bus to Nanning, and then anther to Guilin. We got there at 12am. In the morning we left for Yangshou and are currently there. We were victims of a scam in Guilin, and will update the blog after we arrive in Xian on the 7th October (we leave on the 6th and its a 30 hour journey!!)
Apres Hanoi,on a pris un bus jusqu a la frontiere avec la Chine. On a fait la queue pendant des heures pour sortir du Vietnam... Essayez de me trouver sur la photo... Il fallait se battre pour donner notre passport!!
Apres on s'est tape presque 1km a pied avec les sacsous le soleilpour arriver de cote chinois et recommencer la paprasse!!! Mais c'etait beaucoup plus organise en chine biensur,tres moderne et surtout climatise!!
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