After Halong Bay we made our way back to Hanoi: our last night in Vietnam before heading for China, and it was also independence day!!! We met some french guys in the Mekong Delta tour, and hung out with them in Ho Chi Min. Then by chance we met them at the station in Hue, and so we organised to go for dinner for our and their last night in Hanoi. Cyril and Sevrine. They had a moto (scooter) accident when going to My Son and a very lucky escape. Sevrine had a massive chunk of skin from her arm and leg ripped out, and landed on her face. When they were taken to hospital, they poured whisky on the wounds!!! She then spent alot of money for a two minute check up in a US hospital, and did not have insurance. It really makes you think!
Apres Halong Bay, on est retourne a Hanoi.C'etait le jour de l'independance du Vietnam, et donc la fete!! il y avait des gens de partout.
On a retrouve un couple de francais Cyril et Sevrine,que l'on avait rencontre dans le sud a Saigon. La pauvre a eu un accident de moto, et a termine a l'hopital!! Desinfectee a l'alcool et tout, l'horreur, mais elle s'est bien remise heureusement!!!
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