We went to an extremely small village and stayed the night there. Unfortunately the sheets were not present, and we were 10 in one room with no electricity. At least we had mosquito nets, and a nice camp fire and a guitar. It was a really nice experience, and what made the whole experience was the people in the group. Very nice people that we would definately like to meet up again, especially the group from Madrid. There is a photo of the accommodation from a distance, and then close up.
Voila notre 'hotel'. C'etait dans un tout petit village. c etait vraiment cool, on avait meme un feu sur la terrace et une guitare... Le seul cote moins amusant c eatit de dormir sur un matelas degeu et pas de toilettes ou d electricite, mais ca a rendu l experience un peu plus interessante... on a tous dormit dans la meme piece, et Dan etait bien content de ne pas etre le seule a ronfler!!
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