We left Australia on Sunday, and arrived in Bankok after a long tiring journey. It was raining and we didn't really take to the city. We spent the first day organising our trip and are leaving to do some treking tomorrow in Chiang Mai and then we go to some of the beaches in the south before returning to Bankok to go to Cambodia and Vietnam. There were no more seats on the overnight trains with air conditioning, so we now have almost 60 hours of trains in a week with a crappy fan!!!! Its cheap at least, and all part of the experience.
Donc apres de nombreuses heures d avion, on est enfin arrive en Thailande. Premiere destination Bangkok. On est arrive a 00.30 et il faisait 35 degrees!!!! La chaleur ici est presque insupportable et biensur tres tres humide... On part ce soir vers Chiang Mai pour faire de la rando, et apres vers les iles du sud pour faire... pas grand chose, mais sur des plages magnifiques!!! on a 60 heures de train a faire cette semaine, et vu qu il restait plus de places en classe climatisee, on va se tapper 60 heures avec un ventilo!!! Mais bon restons positifs... Ca revient moins cher!
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