We went to see the Great Palace in the rain. We have a train in a couple of hours and will be moving off. We got our medication stolen with our malaria pills which is a bugger. After much debate we decided we'd better replace them as its not worth the risk. I think different timezones and weather has taken its toll abit, and we are quite drained, probably the heat, rain and strong air conditioning didn't help either. We are on the mulivitamens and now looking forward to doing some treking. I think that the biggest difference is that up to now we were in off peak season in South America and Australasia, but now suddenly its hotter, more congested and more touristy!
Nous voila au Grand Palace, toujours a Bangkok. Il pleuvait biensur, mais il faisait toujours aussi chaud. C etait quand bien sympa. on est completement creves!! ca doit etre la chaleur. On s est fait piquer notre sac ou il y avait nos medicaments contre la malaria. Et ca tombe juste quand on commence l Asie, apres avoir bien reflechit on a decide d en acheter d autre. Autant terminer ce magnifique voyage en vie!!
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