We got the overnight train to Changmai, in Northeast Thailand. The airconditioned overnight trains were full, so we got the cheaper ones with fans. Unfortunately there had been severe storms recently, which meant that the last 70km of the track were submerged and so we had to get a bus. After paying for a taxi from the train station, and having already paid to Changmai, we, along with other tourists, thought the transfer was free. After refusing to pay without a refund we were all taken to the tourist police station. Nobody understood what was going on, and the police were really nice organised a refund and after paying for the bus we were on our way.c
Donc apres 15 longues heures de train (sans clim), on pensait enfin arriver a destination, mais due a de grosses innondation dans le nord de la Thailand, les dernier 70 km de railles s etaient ecroulees. Donc ona du trouver un taxi pour aller jusqu a l arret de bus. Le chauffeur de bus ne parlait pas anglais, et donc ne comprenait pas pourquoi on ne voulait pas payer le bus (on avait payer jusqu a chang mai, on voulait donc pas payer parce qu il y a vait eu une innondation), du coup il nous a ammene a destination, et en arrivant il nous a ammene direct chez as flics!! Les flics ont ete bien sympas (on a eu un peu peur au debut quand meme!). On a bien entendu du payer les billets de bus. On c sentit un peu con stupide quand ils nous ont donne le prix (1 euro!!!)
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