We got a plane from Bankok to Siem Reap in Cambodia as we heard lots of stories about the bus journey, flooded roads etc. WOW! Although it was a nice plane, the experience was similar to that from Chang Mai to Bankok (the only plane we have catched in asia up to now). That was a cheap plane which was light and flew at low altitude, so there was alot of turbulence. This one was an Airbus, but the pilot was mad, at take-off he almost lost it, and on landing he came in at twice the fatest speed of any landing I have experience up to now!!!! When we landed it was raining heavily, and we organised a guest house with free pick up. What we didn't realise was that we would be driving through really bad weather from the airport in a tug-tug. It was fun though! Angkor what was incredible, the highlight of the trip for me. Now we are in the capital and arrived here by boat (5 hours). We got a room opposite the National Mueseum and close to the palace. We went to see a place where the Khmer Rouge tortued their victims, and then we tried to go to see the Killing Fields. Unfortunately a huge storm started, the tug tug struggled on the dirt road with a massive tropical downpour. This basically meant that we had to turn back. Tomorrow we are leaving for the Mekong Delta and will be crossing the Vietnamese border by boat. In two days we will be in Ho Chi Min city, and will try and upload photos from there. Unfortunately we can't from here for some reason (we tried everything), which is a pity, as they are the best photos of the entire trip!!!
Apres avoir dit aurevoir a la Thailande, on est partit pour l aeroport de Bangkok pour prendre notre avion direction Sien Reap au Cambodge. 1 heure d avion dont on se souviendra longtemps. lecon apprise: ne pas prendre d avion en Thailande!!! Un petit airbus russe pourri nous a emmené vers le Cambodge. Turbulances de fou et pilote maladroit = atterissage corsé!!! Mais nous sommes bien arrivés à destination ou la pluie et une fameuse touc touc (charette trainée par mobilette)nous attendaient.
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