Once we got back to Bankok, we stayed in another area recommended by Jhony, which was far nicer than the one we initally stayed in when arriving in Bankok. We took a boat ride which was cool, here you can see a 13th century temple, a lady coming to our boat to try and sell us snacks, and happy Bea.
We are about to leave now for Cambodia and are hoping to visit the Angkor Wat tomorrow. We will then be heading to the capital before making our way to Ho Chi Min. We got our Vietnam visas through now, which is a major stress off our backs.
Apres les longues longues heures de trajet on est arrive a Bangkok ou on a pris un hotel dans un autre quartier (conseil d un pote). Ca a un peu change notre opinion de Bangkok . On a fait une excursion sur les canals de Bangkok. il y avait plein de gens avec leur petite barque qui venait vendre leurs trucs sur le cote du bateau, c etait bien marrant.
on va maintenant prendre un taxi vers l aeroport. Direction: Angkor Wat, Cambodge.
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