Bamboo Rafting
We then went Bamboo Rafting, three of us on a raft. We got completely soaked, however were luckier then the others. Three of the group got on a boat with the guy you see in the first picture. He came with no passengers, and we now assume that they had fallen in at some point and he left them. He then had no extra stick for the person at the back to guide the raft with, and went really quickly and straight into a tree!!! He then had to be saved by the others, who also got thrown in, one opening his hand up. Now we can see the funny side though!The first picture is a photo of the entire group, which was probably one of the coolest groups we have had on any excursion so far!
Apres les elephants, rafting sur bambou... On nous voit sur la photo, de loin assis sur le raft, les fesses dans l eau... Le mec avec la biere, c un des rameurs (pas le notre bien heureusement) qui a prit des gens de notre groupe sur son raft. Il etait tellement bourre qu il se sont plante contre un arbre des le debut... il meritait bien une photo!! (et une autre biere)
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