Wednesday, August 22, 2007
After the heat of Amman, we went to the even hotter Egypt... Here I am on the balcony of our hotel room. Great view. Because of the temperature, we spent most of our time by the pool. Nice and relaxing! Sharm el Sheik airport was really funny: the only one in the world where you can't buy your visa in the local currency!! Only dollars, funny, when the airport exchange bureau doesn't have any!!!
Aprés Amman, il était temps de partir vers la chaleur étouffante egyptienne. Me voilà sur le balcon de notre chambre d'hotel. Parfait, pour apprecier la vue magnifique de la lune, et du couché du soleil. A cause de la chaleur on a pas fait grand chose apart lézarder au bord de la piscine. Bonne annecdote quand meme: l'aeroport de Sharm el Sheik est le seul au monde ou on ne peut pas acheter le visa dans la monnaie locale, ils n'acceptent que des dollars. Intéressant quand il n'y a pas de dollars au bureau de change de l'aéroport!
We were very lucky to be in Amman at the same time as Dany's collegue Ibrahim, who is from there. He was great, he drove us around the city and even invited us to his parents house where his mum cooked a lovely jordanian lunch for us!!
On a eu de la chance, et on s'est retrouvé à Amman en meme temps qu'un collègue de Dany, originaire de là bas. Il nous a fait visiter la ville, et nous a meme invité chez ses parents, ou sa maman nous a préparé un repas typique. Super!
One thing we did not expect from Amman was the crazy heat that we found!! it was 46° and the sun was blazing. We still went to a few touristic spots but couldn't stay long. Beautiful though.
En arrivant en Jordanie, on a été frappé par une vague de chaleur : 46°!!! Et nous qui voulions échapper au fourneau de Dubai... On a quand meme fait un petit effort, et on est allé visiter quelques sites touristiques (rapidement...).
trip to the beautiful Beirut, it was time for our long awaited holiday. We decided to stay in the middle east and planned a few days in Amman, Jordan; and sharm el Sheik, Egypt. Here is a nice view of Amman, and its colosseum.
Aprés le week end à Beirut de Dany, nous sommes enfin partit en vacances... Direction Amman en Jordanie, et Sharm el Sheik en Egypte. Voilà une jolie vue de la ville et de son coliseum.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
View of the city from Harissa. The really strange thing is that even though the Lebanese are quite rude in Dubai, I met some of the nicest people ever in Beirut. Its geographically very similar to Ibiza (but without the calas, but very still nice), and although the options are very limited, they are of very high quality, and they are limited only due to the current level of security. Once they all stop arguing (hopefully in my lifetime) we will definately go back to travel the whole country, way better than the gulf, no comparison (though still alot of arrogance for normal standards, its moderate for this region). They have an energy which really reminds me of Spain, and the nightlife was not comparable to the rest of the region (easliy better) - Ostras, cuanto hecho de menos espana!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
After visiting what seemed like a million flats, we finally decided not to buy, and to go back to the flat we already have. We had therefore a few days to relax and enjoy the London life we miss so much. We went to visit Giri, Julie and Meera, and met up with Amit, Sanjivani and Lola for a lovely afternoon strawberry and rasberry picking. A sweet escape from the city... and loads of fun!
Apres avoir visite une centaine d'appart on a finalement decide de ne pas acheter, et de garder celui que l'on a. Du coup, il nous restait quelques jours pour profiter de la vie Londonienne, et de nos amis qui nous manques tellement. On est alle passer une apres-midi avec Giri, Julie, leur petite Meera, et Amit, Sanjivani et la petite Lola. Ils nous onts fait decouvrir une plantation de fruits et legumes. C'etait genial. Londres n'arretera jamais de nous surprendre!!
So, we finally take the time to update the blog. After a lovely trip to Germany, we had a few days back in Dubai (well Riyadh for Dany), and then we were off again. I went to France for our nephew Zack's christening (here with his mummy and daddy). After France, I was off to London where Dany joined me for a week of flat hunting.
On prend enfin le temps de poster quelques photos sur le blog. Apres un superbe sejour en Allemagne, nous sommes revenu a Doubai quelques jours (Riyadh pour Dany). Juste le temps de changer de valises, et je partais en France pour le bateme de notre neveu Zack.
Apres ca, c'etait direction London rejoindre Dany, pour 1 semaine de chasse a l appart intensive.