Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We just came back to Dubai, and this time for a few weeks. Then I'll be off to France again, and then we will on go on holiday somewhere.

On vient juste de rentrer a Dubai, et cette fois ci pour quelques semaines... Apres je repart en France, et apres ca on part en vacance, mais on sait pas encore ou.

Here is the middle east office team including dany. I was actually impressed bt the way he played. They did really well and we had a really fun day.

Voila l'equipe qui representait le bureau du moyen orient. Dany et ses collegues ont vraiment bien joue. J'etait impressione, Dany a vachement bien joue. On a passe une super journee.

After a few days spent enjoying the city, it was time for the tournament.

Apres quelques jours a faire les touristes, le jour du tournoi est arrive.

This is the strangest thing I've ever see. The statue is painted and right in front of the Cathedrale!! We had to take that picture.
On a trouve cette vue plutot sympa... la statue etait peinte, et posee juste en face de la belle Catedrale . c'etait bien space!!!

While we were there, we decided to go visit the beautiful city of Cologne. We took the train and went there for the day.

On en a profiter pour passer une apres-midi a Cologne, une tres jolie ville a une 100ene de km de Dusseldorf. On a donc prit le train.

Here are more pictures of Dusseldorf.

D'autres photos de la ville.

After a few days in Dubai, It was time to go again: this time to Germany. Dany's company organised a football tournament in Dusseldorf. So off we went to spend 5 days in the beutiful little city. We were very impressed, the people were great, (and for a change had good manners!), the city beautiful... We definately want to see more of this great country.
Apres quelques jours a Dubai, il etait deja temps de repartir... cette fois ci pour l Allemagne. L'entreprise de Dany a organise un tournoi de foot a Dusseldorf, donc on est partit y passer 5 jours. C'etait genial, un super pays. On a ete bien impressione: les gens sont super sympa, et c'est super beau. On a envie de decouvrir ce beau pays maintenant...

After a great few days in Barcelona, it was back to Riyadh for Dany and France for me. We then met up in Dubai for a few days. Here we are on the beach in front of the Burj al Arab. We had a great brunch to celebrate our friend Duncan's 31st birthday.
Apres le superbe sejour a Barcelone, Dany est rentre a Riyadh et moi en France. On s'est retrouve a Dubai pur quelques jours. Nous voila devant le Burj al Arab, sur la plage ou a celebre les 31 ans de notre pote Duncan.

We couldn't go to Barcelona without going to la Obeja Negra. Headquarters of the table football club, where we spent many many tuesday nights playing foozball!! Here is Juan Ma, Cristof, Pedro, Dany and Nils.
On ne pouvait pas aller a Barcelone sans retourner a L'obeja Negra, bar legendaire ou on passait tous nos mardi soir a jouer au babyfoot. Voila Juan Ma, Cristof, Pedro, Dany and Nils apres un match.

So we finally slow down a bit and take the time to post a few pics on the blog. So while I was in France relaxing with my family, Dany went to london to see everyone, and then to Barcelona, where I joined him for the Iese reunion. It was lovely to see everyone and see the city. Now we are in Dubai we appreciate 'normal' cities a lot more!!! Here we are, by the harbour and the beach.
On prend enfin le temps de se poser un peu, et de poster quelques photos... Pendant que j'etait en France, Dany est alle a Londres, avant de venir me retrouver a Barcelone, pour la soiree de reunion de Iese. C'etait genial de revoir tout le monde, et de redecouvrir Barcelone.... On l' apprecie beaucoup plus maintenant qu on est a Dubai!!!