So we finally slow down a bit and take the time to post a few pics on the blog. So while I was in France relaxing with my family, Dany went to london to see everyone, and then to Barcelona, where I joined him for the Iese reunion. It was lovely to see everyone and see the city. Now we are in Dubai we appreciate 'normal' cities a lot more!!! Here we are, by the harbour and the beach.
On prend enfin le temps de se poser un peu, et de poster quelques photos... Pendant que j'etait en France, Dany est alle a Londres, avant de venir me retrouver a Barcelone, pour la soiree de reunion de Iese. C'etait genial de revoir tout le monde, et de redecouvrir Barcelone.... On l' apprecie beaucoup plus maintenant qu on est a Dubai!!!