Monday, February 26, 2007

The day after that, we went to see Tiesto in Dubai, and I know why he is the world's number 1 DJ!!! Truly superb!!! We also saw him in virgin during a press conference.

Jeudi soir, c'etait le superbe Dj tiesto, dans une soiree strictement blanche. C'etait vraiment genial, Tiesto est top!!! tout le monde etait habille en blanc, c'etait vraiment cool. On l'a aussi vu a Virgin pendant une conference de presse.

Bea came back from france, and landed just in time to watch the second half of Liverpool-Barcelona. 2-1 pure happiness!!!!
Je suis arrive juste a temps a dubai (direct de l'aeroport) pour voir le match Liverpool-Barcelona. Et Liverpool a biensur gagne!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beautiful Georgetown. After this it was back to Dubai via london... What a long journey back to Saudi for work. Ouch!!

Le beau quartier de George Town.

I also got the chance to meet up with some mates from IESE who moved to DC, Andres and Carolina. I had dinner in Georgetown with them, a nice catch up and then rejoined the group.

Dany en a profite pour aller voir Andres et sa femme Carolina qui vivent la bas depuis la fin de la MBA.

une photo bien typique: les distributeurs de journaux americains sous la neige...

Then I left on the Sunday morning, to the US, and Bea left for France.It was weird landing, and being interegated for 1.5 hours!! There was a large amount of snow, and even more fell after landing!! The taxis could not drive in the weather, so we had to walk through the snow to the training!!! Coming from the sun, it was a real shock to see so much snow in so few days!! Training was good, and the people were really nice. We learnt a lot, had a good laugh, fell down a few times in the snow as well.

Apres Londres, Dany est partit a Washington, pour y trouver encore plus de neige. Voila Washington sous la neige.

After that we me up with some old friends from level 3 andd uni - its amazing how fast babies grow!! It was really nice to catch up with everyone, especially as it was an unexpected trip.
Enfin, on a retrouve le 'groupe londonien' a midi avant de partir: Giri et Julie avec la jolie petite Meera, Ripa et Brian, et Rat avec son nouveau copain.
le joli nouveau couple qui s'est rencontre au club de saut en parachute.

The old IESE gang were in good form, and we met up with Lev and Laura, and Will on the Friday, and had a nice dinner with Stine and Gio on the Saturday.

Diner chez Giovanni et Stine. Ils viennent nous voir a Dubai en Mai....

A new cute baby was born since we moved to Dubai, and we popped in to see Luis and Raquel's new addition.

Apres, on est alle rencontrer la nouvelle petite addition Brazilienne, Marcela qui a 6 semaines et ses parents biensur: Luis Pedro et Raquel. Charly etait venu la rencontrer aussi.

We caught up with my brothers and sisters, and went for a really nice lebanese meal in brick lane. Then there was a surprise visit by Amit, who lost his baby's passport,and so could not go on a holiday for a while, until a new one was issued.

Avec seulement 3 jours a Londres pour faire plein de choses, et surtout voir tout le monde c'etait un vrai marathon. D'abord reunion entre frere et soeur, et coucou en coup de vent a Amit et Sanj, mais surtout notre petite filleule Lola.

It was a nice surprise when I was told that I have to go to the US for training, and me and bea first had a stop of in london.We caught up with everyone, and were met with a pleasant surprise when we landed -snow everywhere!!! Some airports in London were even shut down.

Comme Dany devait partir a Washington 1 semaine en business, on en a profite pour s arretter a Londres... On a donc laisse le soleil de Dubai, pour la neige londonienne.
Londres est magnifique sous la neige...

Night out in Dubai with Zaid and Tima .
Une soiree a Dubai avec Z et sa femme Tima. Z allait a la fac avec Dany il y a 10 ans!!!