We then made our way to Datong. We love the buses here, but not all of them! We arrived at night and were surrounded by 20 taxi drivers who were pushing us trying to get us into their taxi. We were the only foreigners on the bus and it really was a scary experience. They tried cheating us so we walked but soon realised just how dangerous it was! Eventually we decided to get into one, even though we knew that he would take us to a copy hotel, as it was better to be safe than sorry. We did not meet one person who spoke any english or who was not Chinese for 3 days! Thank god we bought a phrase book in New Zealand! It was all part of the experience, and we actually loved it! People looked at us like we were aliens, and people would do U-turns on the street as we walked.
Apres notre voyage dans le temps on est alle en bus vers notre destination suivante Datong. Je pense qu'on etait les seuls etrangers dans toute la ville!!! Les gens nous montraient du doigt dans la rue... On avait l impression d etre des extraterrestres, c'etait marrant. Mais dur dur pour expliquer qu on voulait une chambre double a l'hotel, ou de poulet au resto. On fait rire tous les restos de la ville avec nos imitations de poulet, vache... Personne ne parle l'anglais, c'est un truc de fou!!