Wednesday, June 28, 2006

We are going to Rio de Janeiro tomorrow, where we are going to enjoy atching the great football matches to come. Come on England!!!

On part demain vers Rio. La meilleure destination pour profiter de la fin de la coupe du monde. Aller la France! et l Angleterre biensur!

Us on the beach... already thinking of the dreadfull catamaran journey back to Salvador

Nous sur la plage. On pensait deja au retour à Salvador sur le fameux catamaran!

Bea walking on the beautifull beach of Morro da Sao Palo.

Moi sur la plage. Je vous ai dit que ca vallait le coup!

After Salvador, we headed to Morro da Sao paulo , a famous beach on an island near Salvador. The 2 hour Catamaran journey was a nightmare, as everyone was feeling and being sick on board. We were very happy to see the end of it, and took this great picture to celebrate. It was definately worth it!

Aprés Salvador, on est partit pour Morro da Sao Paulo, une belle plage sur une ile prés de Salvador. Apres 2 heures horribles de Catamaran, ou tout le monde vomissait (charmant je sais) on était bien content de voir la terre au loin!! Et ca vallait bien le sac en plastique!!! Jugez vous même.

The feria of San Juan in full flow .

La fete commence. Les Brasiliens sont vraiment fort au niveau fiesta!! Remarquez les tenues foot!!

The impressive start of the carnival. The streets filled with people waiting for the party to start.

Une rue bombée de gens qui attendent le debut de la soirée.

Dany in front of another doll. View of the main plaza in the back.

Au tour de Dany d avoir honte de faire le touriste devant la poupee.

Bea in front of one of the many massive dolls scatered aroud the city during the carnival.

Me voila devant une poupee enorme!!! elles etaient partout pendant le carnaval.

We were very lucky in Salvador. We arrived right on time for the carnaval celebrating San Juan. View of the Pelhorinho district from a roof terrace.

Vue du quartier de Pelhorinho a Salvador, ou notre pension etait. On est arrives sans le savoir, en plein milieu du carnaval de san juan.

View of Salvador from the boat.

Arrivee a Salvador, vu du Bateau.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

And finally the beautiful sun set. We are now heading off to Salvador, tonight by plane. We will post some pictures very soon.

Et enfin le superbe coucher de soleil. On part ce soir vers Salvador de Bahia (est du brazil) en avion pour de nouvelles aventures... on mettra des photos des que possible.

This is how people watch the world cup in Jeri, great fun!!

Voila comment les jericoacoariens suivent la coupe du monde. ils on tout compris!!!

View of Jericoacoara and its famous dunes from the beach.

Vue de Jericoacoara et de ces belles dunes, d ou on a une vue magnifique du coucher du soleil.

Same restaurant different view. Hamock in the water, and buggy car park. Cool!

Meme resto, autre vue... les pied dans l eau et toutes les buggy garrees sur le sable.

We stopped by a beautiful lagoon with sand dunes around it for lunch, truly amazing!

Un resto au bord d un lagon ou on a bouffé comme des rois: fruits de mer, langouste... pour que dalle bien sur... le top

Me and Bea on the buggy. The driver was a bit of a nutter, and was also the sand boarding champion of the region! He was driving up the dunes at over 80km an hour, and along the beach. We had to tilt on the corners (me and Barney), but it was really fun, though scary!

Nous sur la buggy. Le chauffeur etait completement dingue, un fou de sport extreme et champion de surf sur sable... il allait super vite, on a bien flippé. c etait genial!!!

Our driver was over ambitious, and we ended up getting stuck in one of the lagoons. It was fun puching it out!

notre chauffeur etait un peu barge et pensait pouvoir traverser... loupé! on est resté coincés, donc Dany et Barney (mec anglais) se sont chargés de pousser pour faire sortir la voiture. bien marrant!!

Me with the buggy crossing the lagoon.

Dany pendant la traversee du lagon.

We met a really cool couple from Shefield, Barney and Cheryl, and the four of us went with a driver in a Buggy across the sand dunes. We had to take a boat across the biggest lagoon on the journey.

Apres avoir connu un couple anglais bien sympa, on a decide de louer une buggy avec chauffeur (heureusement) a 4 pour traverser les dunes et voir les lagons et oasis... deriere moi sur la photo vous pouvez voir comment on a traverse les lagons les plus profonds. A la rame!!!

Probably the highlight of the entire trip so far. Watching Capoera with the sun setting in the background on the beach with traditional north Brazilian live music. I have never seen anything like it, far better than any of the shows we have seen in Europe!

une photo prise sur la plage du village, au coucher du soleil. Un groupe de Braziliens se sont mis a danser/combattre la capoeira. un melange de danse et d art martial. Un moment genial!! Ces mecs sont incroyables!

In Jericocoa all the streets where made of sand!

Me voila dans une rue de Jericoacoara. Il y seulement 4 rues, et elles sont toutes faite de sable. Remarquez mon pareo/drapeau brazilien, la classe!

Finally some really really really nice weather. After leaving Sao Paulo we went up to Forteleza, and the following day we went to Jericoacoara, in the north west of Brazil. It involved a six hour journey by bus, followed by just over an hour by 4x4 over sand dunes.

Apres Sao Paulo on est arrive a Fortaleza dans le nord du Brazil. Le lendemain apres 6 heures de bus suivit d une heure de 4x4 pour traverser les dunes de sable, on est enfin arrive a Jericoacoara (un village de pecheurs absolument magnifique). De tous les endroits qu on eu la chance de decouvrir pendant ces quelques annees c notre endroit prefere pour l instant. le paradis sur terre!!

The palace in Sao Paulo which has been converted into a nice museum.

Le musee de l independance a Sao paulo.

Felipe and me at the Municipal market. We got lost a lot before getting there... quite funny

Dany et Filipe au mercado municipal toujours a Sao Paulo. Je n ai jamais mange de fruits aussi bon que la bas. C etai top de pouvoir marcher un peu, vu qu a Sao Paulo, les gens ont tendance a rester dans leur voiture a cause des problemes de securite...

As you would expect the matches are aired on giant screens outdoors in some places

Voila comment les fans de foot regardent les matchs du mondial a Sao Paulo. Impressionant!!!

Felipe, Renata and Bea outside the Brazilian Stock Exchange. Its true the country is football mad, and they only thing we can compare it to would be cricket. Even the stock exchange is decorated!

Me voila avec Filipe et Renata devant la bourse de Sao Paulo. Et oui au Brazil en ce moment (Coupe du monde pour ceux qui vivent sur une autre planete) tout et jaune et vert (encore un fois pour les extraterrestres, ce sont les couleurs du Brazil), meme la bourse.

We arrived in Sao Paulo and went out to dinner with Felipe and Renata s friends

Enfin a Sao Paulo on a quand meme trouve l energie pour se faire une petite soiree avec nos amis Braziliens Filipe et Renata.

Photo of the bus for the 20 hour journey from Bariloche in Argentina to Buenas Aires, from where we got the flight to Sao Paulo

moi dans le bus. 20 heures de bus pour aller de Bariloche (Patagonie Argentine) jusqu a Buenos Aires, et prendre notre avion pour Sao Paulo. Dur dur!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

An old photo on our way back from Perito Moreno.

Dany et moi devant el perito moreno, le glacier que nous avont traverse a pied ou a pic plutot... (humour moyen je sais, mais je suis fatiguee)

We treked across the glacier which was cool, and had to were spikes on our feet to walk across the ice.

mes petit pieds pret pour la randonnee sur le glacier... ca faisait pas mal flipper de marcher sur un bloc de glace de 14 km de long, avec des crevasses partout, surtout quand il fallait descendre... mais c etait magnifique!

We havn't posted any photos in a while. Some of the remaining photos from Argentina. We went to see Perito Moreno a moving glacier, and were lucky enough to see a huge chunk fall off. This is the group in a boat on the way to the glacier.

On a enfin une connection internet qui nous permet de poster quelques photos...
Voila tout le groupe sur le bateau qui nous a conduit jusqu au glacier qu on voit au fond.
il faisait vraiment froid, c dur de voir c photos vu qu on a dit aurevoir aux mec en argentine la semaine derniere... mais on sera tous a londres...
on est passe de -10 a 35 en quelques jours ca craint!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

OK, we have been away from the blog for a while. We went to Sao Paulo, and had some wonderful food, Sushi, steak and pizza. Its more expensive than Argentina, but way cheaper than europe. The avenida Paulistas is amazing, and we saw all the sites. It is dangerous, but no where near as much as everyone says. Felipe and Renata looked after us really well, and it was sooooooo nice to have a decent shower, a tv set and nice towels at his place. We got up at 6.45 this morning and got the plane to the north of Brazil. We are currently in Forteleza and will be going to Jerichocoa tomorrow or the day after. My bank card doesnt work in most ATMs in Brazil, so we need to get some money before we can move on. Unfortunately we are still having problems getting a decent internet connection, but will load more photos as soon as we can. Its weired that just over a week ago we were treking in minus ten degrees, and now we are in plus 30 degrees!!!!! This is the first time me and Bea are alone on this trip, and the scenery is amazing and the weather even better. We cant wait for the brazil match tomorrow, and will be soaking up some of the atmosphere.

We will sign in as soon as we find an internet connection
Dany and Bea

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Today the trip of Argentina is coming to a close. We are in Bariloche at the moment waiting for the bus for the 20 hour trip to Buenas Aires, and then we will be getting a flight to Sao Paulo. This is definately one of the most beautiful places we have seen. The group is splitting from now, with us going to meet Felipe in Brazil, Diego and Andrea going to Mendoza and Boris, Juan, Demien going to Juy Juy in the north, Diedrick is still deciding. They will then be meeting up again and going to Bolivia and Peru. Yesterday we had a really nice Barbecue in the hostel, and it was a nice way to say goodbye, and it was fun because it was raining. We will be uploading the photos from Felipe s place. We cant wait for warmer weather, but will definately be back in Argentina one day.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

We stayed in Chalten and then climbed towards Fitz Roy

nous voila en route pout l ascention de Fitz Roy

Lago Roca in the national park of Ushuaia

The train to the end of the world. It goes through the national park with some amazing scenery. Unfortunately we can´t upload all the images, but they were stunning! Really really cold though, and it was around minus ten degrees!

voila le groupe de mecs et moi, devant le train del fin del mundo... on peut malheureusement pas mettre toutes nos photos des paysages magnifiques... il faudra attendre notre retour. -10 degres

Onto Ushaia from Buenas Aires, the southern most city in the world, which people use en route to Antarctica!!! Very Very Cold but well worth it. We treked and went to the national park.

nous voila ici a Ushuaia, la ville du bout du monde. un froid de barge comme vous pouvez l imaginer!!! mais simplement magnifique.

Right droit. Having arrived in Buenas Aires after a long flight, we went met up with our group of nine to see the Casa Rosada. It was very Icy and I, Dany, slipped down the stairs. No injuries thankfully!!!

voila enfin les photos... la casa rosada a buenos aires

Photo Left-gauche

After a trip down lake tigre, we went to the port and to some of the main squares. Then to the famous area "La Boca", with its multi coloured houses, and a trip to the stadium. We also saw live Tango shows

le fameux quartier de 'la boca', le quartier ou le tango est ne!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

OK, we finally have access to internet. We have some amazing pictures which we are giong to upload very soon, as soon as we get a chance. Buenos Aires was amazing, and is currently one of our favourite places. Diego showed us round, and we saw La Boca, the stadium, went for a boat ride in tigre la casa rosada and on Sunday moved onto Ushuaia. We had to wake up at 2.30 am and landed in the end of the world. It was very cold and dark, but we took a boat ride and saw the sea lions, climbed the glacier, saw el lago roca and then went to the national park. Then we flew to Rio Gallegos, which is super cold, and rented three cars. After a huge discussion about the safety of carrying on at night we did it and arrived last night at el Chalten. We are about to start a six hour trek in minus eight degrees to mount Fitz Roy, and tomorrow we tonight, we will be going through the snow and arriving in Perito Moreno, a moving glacier, which is going to be a real challenge to mount. We will post pictures soon when we get a chance. Take care, Dany and Bea

Coucou a tous. On a enfin trouve un ordi, mais la connection est tellement lente qu on peut pas telecharger nos photos. On a des photos magnifiques, et on les postera sur le blog des que possible. buenos aires c etait genial, une de nos ville preferees. On est arrive al fin del mundo,Ushuaia, lundi matin. C etait comme un autre monde, on a prit un bateau pour voir les otaries de super pres, on a fait le park national et un glacier. Il faisait siper froid et nuit presque tout le temps.On a prit un avion pour Rios gallegos hier et on a loue 3 bagnoles pour continuer la route vers les glaciers. Apres une grosse discution sur les risques des routes de montagnes glacees de nuit, on a vote et on a decide de le faire. Apres quelques longues heures de stress et de prieres on est tous arrive a bon port (et vivant). On part maintenant faire l ascention du mont fitz roy (6 heures) et il y a de la neige partout,et - 8 degres. Et ce soir re discussion pour la route qui nous conduira vers le glacier perito Moreno. Bisous a tous, et on postera toutes les photos des que possible.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

We arrived in Buenos Aires on Thursday, and having managed to sleep only one hour on the 15 hour journey!! Then onto Tigre and a boat ride, followed by meat, meat and more meat!! Prices are really good, and weather isnt too bad. Tonight we are going to a traditional Tango show, which we are lookin forward to, and then we are leaving at 5am to Ushuaia to begin the glacier trek, which involves treking 40km across ice.

Et maintenant pour le francais, on est arrive a Buenos aires Jeudi matin apres 15 heures d avion et sans avoir beaucoup dormi. On arrete pas de bouffer, et tout est super cheap!!! on part a Ushuaia lundi matin pour les glaciers, on mettra des photos des qu on retrouve le cable