Starting the Blog Again!
After quite a long break from blogging, we are starting it up again. We drove down to Barcelona via France and caught up with everybody there. Then back to London on the 7th October. We looked for jobs for a while, and after we still did not have a job by the deadline we had set ourselves (1st Nov) we began to get worried!!! But two weeks later we were holding two offers, and decided to pack up our things again and leave just after Christmas for Dubai. It was a hard decision to leave all our friends and family again, but we are both happy that its the correct decision. We are going to upload alot of the missing photos soon. We really liked the blog not just to stay in touch with people, but to look back ourselves. We have an IESE Alumni reunion this w/e which should be fun, and a foozball session booked in prior to the dinner! Then off to France to say goodbye to Bea's family before returning to Liverpool to say bye to friends and family.
Nous revoila...! Nous avons decide de recommencer le blog pour vous faire partager nos nouvelles aventures au moyen orient. Donc petit resume: apres notre retour du tour du monde, nous nous sommes installes a Londres, sans boulot et sans plus grand chose dans le compte en banque... Apres quelques semaines de recherches en vain et le froid londonien, nous avons decide que chercher un boulot a l etranger ne serai finallement pas si mal que ca. Apres ca tout c'est tres vite decide, Dany a recu 2 offres une pour Doubai et une pour Londres, nous avons choisi Doubai. Nous avons decolle apres noel et passe le jour de l'an a Doubai.
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