We then went to the temple of literature. A very tranquil setting. This university began in the late 11th century.
We have just come back from Cat Ba and Halong Bay. We had a private beach all to our selves, probably the nicest beach we have ever been to. Unfortunately I had a slight accident but am ok. While Kayaking I over-turned into some very sharp rocks. I cut my foot in three places, backside, back, head but more seriously the base of my hand. I could even see part of a tendon! Its been treated now and is ok, but still hurts alot. I was extremely lucky. We were on the way to see the sunset, and this beach could only be accessed by kayak, so we were a ten minute row from anyone. We bandaged my hand and I had to row through alot of pain! We will upload those photos soon. Halong Bay of course was sensational, and we also cycled through the Cat Ba national park. Easily the best tour of the entire trip.
Today we are back in Hanoi, for the Vietnamese independence day, and tomorrow we will be making our way to the friendship border, and then onto Giulin in China.
Me voila dans le parc du temple de la litterature.
On est revenu aujourd'hui de Halong Baym patrimoine reconnu par l'unesco. Dany s'est ouvert le poigné jusqu'au tendon en tombant d'un kayak, sur des rochers... On etait tous seul sur une ile deserte... Mais bon tout va bien, il a pas eu besoin de points ni rien, mais ca faisit tout drole de voir un truc blans dans la plaie!!!
On part pour la Chine demain matin en Bus... Aurevoir Vietnam, Bonjour la Chine....
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