After visiting the museum we went by tug tug to the killing fields, which is 16km away from the centre. It was mad! There were trucks everwhere, and then out of nowhere a storm hit us. Children were bathing in the puddles! Once we were off the main road, and on the dirt track the tug tug was losing grip, and visibility was reduced to a couple of yards. With the number of oncoming trucks and other factors we had to turn back after 14km.
En chemin vers les champs d execution (a 15 bornes de la ville). Quand il pleut au Cambodge il pleut!!! On pensait vraiment qu on allait rester coincés dans la campagne. le chauffeur nous avait rassuré avant que la tempete commence en nous disant qu'il n'y avait pas de tempete eau Cambodge juste en Thailande!!! On a bien rigolé et on s est surtout bien trampé!!! Notez les gamin a droite sur la photo qui se baignaient dans les flaques gigantesques...
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