After we finished Iguazu we went to Buenas Aires just for a couple of hours then got a plane to Santiago. We could not believe that our reservation existed but not our ticket, so after 2 hours of arguing we had to pay for the plane ticket again!!! We contacted STA and they have appologised and are crediting us back with the money which was a relief. The entire journey took us just over 14 hours! We loved this street junction and took a photo
Aprés Iguazu, on est parti en dirrection de Santiago, via Buenos aires. Mais biensur il y a toujours des problemes, du coup on a mit 14 heures pour arriver à Santiago!! Mais ca vallait la peine. Tout le monde noud avez dit que c'etait pas terrible comme ville. Eh bien nous on a adoré, je pourrait vivre à Santiago 1 an avec grand plaisir!!
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